Wednesday, March 2, 2022 @ 11:19 PM | 0 Comment [s]
Hello again. It's been about 5 months since my surgery and I can happily say that I've healed well; both mentally and physically. It was a little hard accepting what happened but I think what helped me get through it was just getting back in to the routine of things. Cleaning my room, going down to dinner and talking to friends, getting back into uni work. And it all worked out great. I graduated uni in December 2021 and about a week before that we managed to go on a road trip north of Perth but because it was nearing summer it got extremely hot and half of the time we seeked shelter and airconditioning. It was still pretty fun and memorable though. I then left Perth and returned to Singapore, got cov*d in the first week of February and I also landed my first full-time job. I feel quite indifferent about it. I'm glad I got the job but I'm also terrified of it. Going into working and adult life is scary, people can be really mean and put you down. Some of my friends have gotten engaged, moved into their new homes, having children. It almost feels like I'm going through puberty again, except this time around it's transitioning from teenagehood to adulthood. There's so many changes happening around me and it gets pretty overwhelming at times. Let's just take things one step at a time. I feel okay, for now. |
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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn I did not remove the credits or did anything shitty. I respect the designer of this blogskin 100% and all edits/changes made were strictly for personal use only. You can find the really cute images i used here from We Heart It. For any copyright claims, please drop me an email at and it will be removed as soon as possible. Thanks.