Friday, September 25, 2015 @ 7:56 PM | 0 Comment [s]
25.09.2015Yesterday we commemorated Hari Raya Haji and it was a very meaningful day. We got up early and went to the mosque to witness the slaughtering of sheeps. I didn't get to see the first one but i got to witness the other two sheeps. I didn't feel as if I had to be sympathetic because I knew that it was something normal and of course it was for a good cause. My dad only took a third of the meat and the rest were distributed to the needy like foreign workers and low-income families. I was really upset when I heard that there were petitions online to stop the slaughtering of cattle on this day. It's not as if what we're doing it for fun or for sport. We don't hold up the meat like it is a trophy for killing the animal. The animals are treated with care. They're properly fed, placed in a proper place and slaughtered in a way such that it causes least pain to the animal as possible and that is by slitting the throat. The blood then flushes out of the body and within a minute, that would have been it. Furthermore, the meat is distributed to the needy may I reiterate that again. We don't plant bombs into the dead carcass and explode it. It's a practice that we do and have been doing for the past 1400 years. As if people don't eat meat everyday that comes from animals that have also been slaughtered for food? I don't quite get how they're directly targeting us. If you're so against it, why not just protest against the slaughtering of animals for food worldwide? Turn all of us into vegans? Hypocritical judgements like these are inevitable but I believe that we are practicing our religion in a humane manner. In no way do we have bad intentions. Alina |
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