Tuesday, November 11, 2014 @ 5:56 PM | 0 Comment [s]
11.11.2014Hello! Last week my grandmother was staying with us and I had to accompany her to physiotherapy. Initially, I expected physiotherapy to be more scary and like there would be weird instruments that I have no idea how to use. But it wasn't really that scary. Most of the time my grandmother was just lying down on a bed and the nurses taught her several exercises she can do on her bed to improve her core muscles. It was kind of interesting I suppose. On Saturday, my family didn't have anything to do really on that day so I suggested going somewhere where I can get that hiking feeling because I felt really energetic that day. It was a really rare occassion that I was feeling that way so it was important that I used that as an opportunity for me to exercise a bit. It was a really hot day and the sun was just merciless. However, it was really fun having to spend some time with my family. On Sunday, my family was supposed to attend a wedding but apparently we were stuck on an expressway for about an hour because of an accident. My father was really pissed off with how the authorities were handling the situation because they didn't announce the accident on the radio until the last few minutes when the traffic jam was only starting to clear up. Also, the traffic police blocked a four-lane road and asked drivers to head towards a two-lane exit meaning you'd have to find another way to your destination. Furthermore, no announcement was made over the radio to drivers on the expressway to prepare themselves to exit the expressway. Therefore, many of the drivers were taken aback and the movement was really slow because of that. We ended up not attending the wedding and headed towards my grandmother's place instead. We watched like a bunch of horror movies and then headed home early. Yesterday, my mother left for a trip to Australia. Initially, I didn't want to follow her to the airport to send her off because I knew I would bawl my eyes out. However, my dad made me go and I'm glad to say I didn't cry. Not even a bit. She will be back on Sunday night woop. I didn't do anything much today. I couldn't sleep at night. I was up from 3 in the morning and when my dad and sister left the house I went back to sleep till noon. It felt good after I got up actually. Tomorrow I will be going out with my dear best friend and I thought of all the things we can do and places to visit. It'll be super exciting. Till then. Alina x |
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